Arkansas Bicycle Club


March 2018 meeting

  • 18 Mar 2018 7:04 PM
    Message # 5985583
    James Britt (Administrator)

    We had a good turnout of about 2 dozen for the meeting with guest Rex Nelson as our invited speaker. He gave interesting comments on places to visit and eat in southern Arkansas including some vintage places to eat on our return to Camden on the BRAA.

    Jim passed out applications for the England-Keo mini-fondo, April 14 on our Ride List. Other upcoming rides are our breakfast ride to NLR airport March 24 and the supported Salt County Ride March 31. ALSO, purchase your tickets to "Le Ride," about the 1928 Tour de France. This is an On Demand film iS Wed., April 11th at Breackenridge, so tickets must be purchased by April 1 to insure the showing, Tickets . Our spring BRAA (Bicycle Ride Around Arkansas) begins April 15. Be sure to register for this 6 day tour for updates. We will not have a meeting in April. The next meeting will have a report on the BRAA. We'll see you at Oyster Bar May 10.


Address: P.O. Box 250817, Little Rock, AR 72225-0817

Phone: (501 912-1449

email Jim

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