Arkansas Bicycle Club


Bicycle Touring

  • 10 Oct 2015 2:55 PM
    Reply # 3571248 on 3227133

    Hi Rob & Crew,  More or less packed, so may get there Sunday morning and poke around Machens until the 4 pm train to Sedalia.

  • 28 Aug 2015 6:28 AM
    Reply # 3499911 on 3227133

    Greetings Robert,

    yea, we have no plans in pushing too hard on this one and by leaving from Sedalia and skipping the least attractive portion IMO (Clinton to Sedalia), you're only looking at 200 miles give or take.  Fifty miles a day is very doable without killing yourself and we've got an extra day built in, in case of emergency or if weather becomes a problem.  I rode the Katy in 07' and we tried for 80+ miles a day and it was grueling considering the temps in the mid 90's and riding crushed limestone trail provides more resistance vs. normal pavement. 

     I've found on most of these Rail to Trails with their crushed limestone, that I prefer a 32-35mm tire and don't care for anything less than a 28mm.  If the trail is well packed, you can certainly use a narrower road tire such as a 25mm or 1" but your bike won't handle as well when you eventually meet up with the finer and looser packed trail substrate.  If you're at all interested, just email me and we'll see what we can work out.


    Last modified: 28 Aug 2015 6:31 AM | Anonymous
  • 27 Aug 2015 6:46 PM
    Reply # 3499445 on 3227133

    Hi Rob & group,  That sounds like a good ride and one I haven't tried yet.  If we don't push too hard every day.  Hear there are side routes or various things to see along the way.  found another good checklist under FAQ,  and touring tires over 1" / 25mm seem like the thing. - Robert

  • 24 Aug 2015 3:42 PM
    Reply # 3494170 on 3227133

    Katy Trail the week of  October 10, unsupported ride

    To all my fellow tourists at ABC,

    So this is how the event is shaping up. We leave Illinois on either Saturday evening or more likely Sunday early morning October 11 and drive to the far eastern end of the Trail at Machens, MO. We then park and proceed on bike to the St. Louis Amtrak station where we catch the 4 PM train to Sedalia, MO. We spend the night at a hotel (or one can camp) near the Katy on Sunday night and get up the next morning and take off. We plan on averaging about 50+ miles a day with our gear and finishing up on Thursday.  One can camp or find nearby B & B's close to all proposed daily stopping points.  At that point we end up back at the car, I drop those that are heading back on Amtrak at the station so they may return west if they started that way, and we then drive home. Sounds simple, right? Yea, it rarely works out that way but is always a good time. If anyone is interested in taking in part or all of the ride, just let me know and we'll see what we can work out.

    Last modified: 24 Aug 2015 3:45 PM | Anonymous
  • 11 May 2015 9:47 PM
    Reply # 3340203 on 3227133
    James Britt (Administrator)

    We are looking at a cross state ride in southern Arkansas next Spring. It should be flatter.

  • 27 Apr 2015 11:13 PM
    Reply # 3319711 on 3227133

    Thanks to everyone for making the BRAA 2015 a success.  I had a wonderful ride.  If anyone is interested in viewing any of my photos taken, please let me know and I can share the link.   Until next time. 


    Last modified: 02 May 2015 11:19 PM | Anonymous
  • 16 Feb 2015 12:37 PM
    Message # 3227133
    James Britt (Administrator)

    Join us on our Bicycle Rider Around Arkansas (BRAA), leaving on Sunday April 19, 2015 for 7 days of riding and camping. We will go around Lake DeGray.

    Last modified: 16 Feb 2015 12:38 PM | James Britt (Administrator)

Address: P.O. Box 250817, Little Rock, AR 72225-0817

Phone: (501 912-1449

email Jim

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